Three Ways I Move My Body as a Working Mom

I am almost 15 months postpartum now {howwwww?! my baby is growing so fast!}, and it's taken me about half that time to get into a good groove of working out and moving my body. And that's okay! I never expected nor wanted to "bounce back," and instead my goal was to live an active, healthy lifestyle. That being said, it's never easy to find that balance with a new baby and as a working mom... plus, then add in a worldwide pandemic. But, I've really embraced working out from home and getting in my steps from simply chasing around a very active toddler and making sure I move my body every day. Here's how I do it!

  1. Stroller walk as a family every morning around our neighborhood
  2. Cardio training 2-3 a week {Peloton, Open Fit}
    *read my full Peloton review here*
  3. Chase Taz around a park almost every day

Bonus: For the new year, I'm adding strength workouts back into my routine, and although I'm sore, it feels good! I don't always have the time to do these, but I'm working hard to implement them into my workout routine again! Starting off with a 4 week core challenge on my Peloton app and full-body strength workouts twice a week on my Open Fit app!

Lastly, I recently share all of my favorite curvy workout staples here!

Linking all my workout gear below! Most of the colors I'm wearing are sold-out, but the styles are still available in many other colors . xx


Three Ways I Move My Body as a Working Mom | sassy red lipstick

Three Ways I Move My Body as a Working Mom | sassy red lipstick

Three Ways I Move My Body as a Working Mom | sassy red lipstick

Three Ways I Move My Body as a Working Mom | sassy red lipstick


New Year, New Goals


Hello 2021, Let's Party!